"The Charismatic Renewal is a current of grace of the Spirit for all the Church, not just for some" - Pope Francis
In 2025 we are continuing online through zoom meetings, which will permit you to join in wherever you are in the UK or abroad. There will also be two live meetings, in May and September, which will be partly live-streamed. Details to follow.
Scroll down to read more about the theme, and see the monthly programme. And scroll down to the bottom of the page for video recordings of the talks after each month's session takes place.
You will also be able to view videos on YouTube of each month's Masses and Praise & Worship.
This year marks our own Jubilee of 50 years since the start of the Alton Day of Renewal in 1975. We now sense that the Lord is urging us to look forward to the journey ahead, building on the strengths of the past but pressing on with hope and trust in the growth that will come as we nurture new initiatives and new participants.
Our ongoing vision is to extend our ministry in 2024 by continuing to encourage local parishes and communities to participate in our sessions, so that the FIRE of the Holy Spirit can spread far and wide.
For more details of the theme background, Jubilee, Pilgrimage and Key Scriptures, as well as profiles of the speakers, see HERE
Our Talks
Each month we will develop our understanding of how each of us is called by the Lord to move forward with expectant hope in the providence of God; a firm trust in the victory of Christ; and joy in the blessings and gifts of the Holy Spirit for revitalising the Church.
For more information on 2025 monthly themes, see HERE.
Our Speakers
We have an outstanding selection of guest speakers: leaders in Catholic Charismatic Renewal with extensive experience in both practising and teaching on empowerment by the Holy Spirit.
Guided by the Holy Spirit, they will give inspiring and practical encouragement and advice on seeking a deeper relationship with Jesus, being filled with His Spirit and exercising the gifts of the Holy Spirit in order to share the Good News in your community.
For more information about the 2025 speakers, see HERE
Our Vision
We seek to put Jesus at the centre of all we do: He is the source of new life and we are channels of His renewing, refreshing, healing water in a world thirsty for God’s presence.
We invite everyone to meet Jesus and enter into deeper communion with Him, to experience the love and joy of our heavenly Father. We encourage everyone to receive a new infilling of the Holy Spirit, to ignite their faith, to inspire and empower them to be Missionary Disciples and share the Good News of God’s love with those around them. Together we will spread the fire of the Holy Spirit far and wide!
Our Meetings
We provide spiritual refreshment through a programme of Mass, Adoration, Praise & Worship, Prayer, Prophetic sharing, Inspired Teaching and Healing ministry.
"I was amazed how inspirational this retreat was. Every section was concise and so powerful. The testimony was profound. Praise and worship so full of the Holy Spirit. Talk was truly divine." - Comment by a recent ADoRE participant.
We know that a personal invitation is the most effective way so, to make this easy for you, we have produced an attractive 6x4" colour postcard with the essential facts about the 2025 programme "Pilgrims of Hope" on one side, plus details of our "Alive in the Spirit" programme that can be run in Parishes, on the other side (see pictures). We will send you 20 of these absolutely free, for you to hand out to friends and fellow parishioners. Click on the blue button below to order by email.
Follow the link below to our special "YOUR PARISH" page for tips and resources to enable you and your Parish to develop your own evangelising skills and programmes.
Please help us publicise
On the YOUR PARISH page you will also find (before the end of 2024) links to a 2025 poster, and a video, as well as a Parish letter and poster each month. Please use these to promote our meetings in your Parish or community. (Remember to ask permission from your Priest, Parish Secretary or other appropriate person).
We will be celebrating our 50th Anniversary with a programme that echoes the Universal Church’s Jubilee 2025 theme of Hope, Our monthly themes will reflect various different aspects of Pilgrimage and Jubilee, with the over-riding message of moving forward with expectant hope in the providence of God; a firm trust in the victory of Christ; and joy in the blessings and gifts of the Holy Spirit for revitalising the Church
ADoRE will continue its mission of encouraging people to deeper personal relationship with Jesus; experiencing the Baptism of the Holy Spirit; and using the charisms of the Holy Spirit to bring others into the Kingdom and build their hope.
More background details on the programme are available HERE
"Those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." (Isaiah 40:31 NIV)
The video of each month's talk will be here within a day or two of the meeting.
January 25th. (On Zoom)
“PILGRIMS OF HOPE - Jesus is the Way."
Accepting His call to follow Him on the pilgrimage of Life.
Daniella Stephens, Catholic Evangelist, Founder of Parrhesia Ministries. More...
February 22nd. (On Zoom)
“PILGRIMS OF HOPE - The Holy Spirit is our Guide.”
He makes us holy and equips us with charisms to serve our fellow pilgrims.
Gerry Penfold, Leader of Called and Gifted UK. More...
March 22nd. (On Zoom)
“PILGRIMS OF HOPE - A Lamp for our Feet”
The Bible is our roadmap for the pilgrimage of faith.
Ros Powell, Catholic Evangelist with a powerful prophetic & healing ministry. More...
April 26th. (On Zoom)
“PILGRIMS OF HOPE - Love Mercy.”
God calls us to act justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with Him.
John Hesketh, Catholic Evangelist and New Dawn 2024 Keynote Speaker. More...
May 31st. (Live meeting at St Philip Howard, Fareham)
“PILGRIMS OF HOPE - Filled with Joy.”
Sharing our joy and hope with fellow pilgrims as we travel through life.
Jenny Baker, Leader of Celebrate Trust and Conferences, CaFE presenter. More...
June 28th. (On Zoom)
“PILGRIMS OF HOPE - Along with Mary.”
She travels with us and supports us Pilgrims with her prayers.
Niall McDonagh, Catholic speaker, counsellor and psychotherapist. More...
July 26th. (On Zoom)
“PILGRIMS OF HOPE - Provision for the Journey.”
Jesus is food for our journey through life: He is truly present in the Eucharist and provides for us.
Judith Aylmer, Diocesan Coordinator, CHARIS Portsmouth. More...
August 30th. (On Zoom)
“PILGRIMS OF HOPE - Forgive one another.”
Jubilee is a time of forgiveness, reconciliation, restitution, liberation.
Dr. Maria Heath, Leader of Mission Northampton. Former National Co-ordinator of CHARIS. More...
September 20th. (On Zoom)
“PILGRIMS OF HOPE – Minister to one another.”
We help fellow Pilgrims by using gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Geoff Poulter, Trainer in Prophecy, Healing and Discipleship. More...
October 25th. (Live meeting at St Bede's, Basingstoke. Mass celebrated by Bishop Philip Egan.)
“PILGRIMS OF HOPE - The Path of Prayer.” Our spiritual pilgrimage into an intimate relationship with Jesus.
Speaker: Charles Whitehead KSG, International Catholic Renewal leader, Author More...
November 22nd. (On Zoom)
"PILGRIMS OF HOPE – Signposts to the Kingdom.”
We need to show people the way, sharing our hope with pilgrims who are lost.
Dr. Hannah Vaughan-Spruce, Executive Director of Divine Renovation UK. More...