About us

Who are we?

We are a monthly meeting of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal formed in 1975 and blessed with the Gifts of the Holy Spirit ever since. We are now one of the longest continually running Charismatic Days of Renewal in Britain. Watch introductory video HERE

Our Vision

ADoRE seeks to put Jesus at the centre of all we do: He is the source of new life and we are channels of His renewing, refreshing, healing water in a world thirsty for God’s presence. We invite everyone to meet Jesus and enter into deeper communion with Him, to experience the love and joy of our heavenly Father. We encourage everyone to receive a new infilling of the Holy Spirit, to ignite their faith, to inspire and empower them to be Missionary Disciples and share the Good News of God’s love with those around them. Together we will spread the fire of the Holy Spirit far and wide!

Our Mission

a. Encourage commitment of lives to Jesus and deeper communion with Him
b. Show how to worship Him in Spirit & Truth
c. Invite renewal of faith through Baptism in the Holy Spirit
d. Help people see what our world needs now - streams of living water
e. Challenge complacency: God is calling each one to play their part
f. Show how to proclaim the good news and spread the FIRE (FAITH IGNITED RENEWED EVANGELISED)
g. Show how to use the charisms to bring others into the Kingdom
h. Keep listening to the Lord – develop the gift of prophecy

All are welcome

Whilst firmly rooted in Roman Catholicism, and holding to the central truths and practices of the Catholic faith. we welcome and enjoy the fellowship of all Christian denominations. There is a strong ecumenical spirit about the day and we have a number of Christian speakers whose insights we value.

Find out more

Browse around this website to find out more about what we do, and about Catholic Charismatic Renewal in general. Please do join us at one of our days, where you can be sure of a warm welcome and an opportunity to draw closer to the Lord.

Page visits


Alton Day of Renewal is planned and run by a small "Core" Group. Find out who they are by following the link below. At the meetings, they will be glad to help you and answer any questions you may have.


There is no charge to attend the Day of Renewal (unlike some conferences which charge £10 to £20 a day). But we do ask those attending to make a donation, according to their means, to cover our costs and support our ministry of providing spiritual refreshment to God's people.

We make no profit: all donations are used to give offerings to visiting speakers and Priests who minister to us; and to pay for publicity, licences, this website, and other incidental costs. The organising team give all their time and effort voluntarily.


We are a small faith-based organisation providing spiritual support to Catholics and other Christians, primarily in the Southern Counties. Since the Covid19 lockdown we have been holding Zoom meetings online and are now ministering to people across the country and further afield. Over a thousand people have agreed to join our communications database.

We are a non-profit making organization. We do not employ anyone. Our core leadership team, prayer intercessors and helpers are all volunteers. They come from a wide variety of backgrounds offering their expertise and time free of charge.

However, we do have ongoing expenses, such as website licence, copyright licences, Zoom and OneDrive subscriptions, programme printing and publicity, donations, and travel expenses for our guest speakers. Our income traditionally comes from donations received via cash collections at our monthly ADORE meetings, but more recently through direct transfers to our bank account or via PayPal. We are currently too small to justify being registered as a Charity, but we do keep our financial records of income and expenditure, together with our Communications database and Safeguarding Information etc. secured by passwords, in secure cloud storage.

ADORE has a Leadership Core Group (click on ‘The Team’ for their profiles). New members are invited to join after a period of prayer and discernment, when someone has stepped down or we have identified the need to strengthen the core expertise of the Team.

Alastair Emblem is the Leader of ADORE, supported by the rest of the Leadership Team. Father Anthony Meredith is our ADORE Chaplain, to whom we turn for spiritual guidance. We also have a list of Charismatic Priests who say Mass of us at our ADORE meetings. Steve Begley is our  Safeguarding Officer, liaising with applicable organizations, keeping our policies & practices under review, and ensuring the DBS registrations of relevant volunteers are up to date. Maria Garmendia is the acting co-ordinator of the ADORE Prayer Ministry Team, which operates a monthly live or telephone-based healing ministry. Maria is also our Finance Officer, dealing with banking and accounting.

Alton Day of Renewal is an independent organisation within the ‘Stream of Grace’ known in the Catholic Church as Catholic Charismatic Renewal. ADoRE is affiliated with CHARIS (Catholic Charismatic Renewal International Service) which was officially constituted by the Vatican in 2017 under Canon Law. ADoRE operates with the permission of the Bishop of Portsmouth and is covered by public liability insurance arranged by CREW Trust.

Contact and Data policy is available HERE