

From the early days, The Alton Day of Renewal has been blessed and guided by the charism or gift of prophecy. But what is prophecy? One simple definition is “a gift of speaking a message from God inspired by the Holy Spirit.”

Prophecy isn’t primarily about telling the future. It’s primarily giving us current insight into God’s plan and His Word, calling us back to what’s already been revealed in public revelation.

Prophecy reminds us of the Gospel and the heart of Christianity. It’s always a call to repentance, to return to our first love and faithfulness to the covenant. These prophecies don’t add anything to revelation, but they say, “Right now is a critical time, and we need to pay attention to Jesus right now.”

Read further explanations in the articles linked elsewhere on this page.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church

CCC #66 “...even if Revelation is already complete, it has not been made fully explicit; it remains for Christian faith gradually to grasp its full significance over the course of the centuries”


CCC # 801 "... discernment of charisms is always necessary. No charism is exempt from being referred and submitted to the Church's shepherds. "Their office [is] not indeed to extinguish the Spirit, but to test all things and hold fast to what is good," [LG 12; cf. 30; 1 Thess 5:12, 19-21; John Paul II, Christifideles Laici, 24] so that all the diverse and complementary charisms work together "for the common good." [1 Cor. 12:7]

Prophecies quoted on this website have been discerned by the Core Group of Alton Day of Renewal and our Spiritual Director/Chaplain.

We strive to abide by the highest standards of ministry, as explained in this Prophecy Guidelines document

Page visits


Link to an introductory article on "The Charism of Prophecy" including teaching by the Church and the Popes.

Link to an article about how prophecy had a radical impact on Charles Whitehead: Do you know how much God loves you?"

"Beginner's guide to Prophecy" - Article by Duncan Mitchell of Cor et Lumen Christi Community.

Receiving The Gift: Prophecy In Everyday Life - Article by Maureen Goldsmith.

"Renew Your Wonders" - Book by Damian Stayne

"Prophecy" - Book by Fr Pat Collins

“Lord, let there not be a lack of prophets among your people!”

- Pope Francis


AUGUST 2024 (extract):

"I have the whole world in my hand"

Read all August 2024 prophecies HERE

Read all 2024 prophecies HERE

Read all 2023 prophecies HERE

Read all 2022 prophecies HERE

Read all 2021 prophecies HERE

2020 prophecies HERE

2019 prophecies HERE

2018 prophecies HERE

2017 prophecies HERE

2016 prophecies HERE

2014-15 prophecies


On the occasion of the 40th anniversary of Alton Day of Renewal, in March
2015, author and conference speaker Charles Whitehead said "I pray that the Lord will continue to bless this Day of Renewal... He's probably got a big expansion coming... if people are listening to Pope Francis and Bishop Philip and people are going to be evangelising more, then days like this are going to be an absolute blessing." Charles concluded with an uplifting and encouraging word: "We're a Church that's on the move, we're going to be a growing Church: this is what the Pope says and wants, this is what the Lord wants, this is what the Holy Spirit will inspire - but you've got to do the work! So God bless you!" 

We can now look back and see how prophetic these words were. At the time, Alton Day of Renewal seemed settled at Medstead, but by the end of 2016 we were "on the move," back to Alton. Numbers of attendees had been gradually declining, but following our move we saw a "big expansion" in numbers. Now, since 2020, circumstances have led us to hold our meetings online and we are reching even bigger numbers over a much wider area. We pray that we will be an "absolute blessing" to all who are seeking to do what the Lord wants.


When we allow our Intercession to be led in the Spirit, we call this Prophetic Intercession. If the Lord gives you a prophetic word or picture it is important to pray into that prophecy with authority, to call into being the thing that the Lord is placing in your heart.

It is amazing to think that the Lord wants to entrust us in this way with the work of bringing about His will in the world.

Read the full article "Be bold in your prayer" by Espe Fuentes HERE

"Seeking God's heart" - article on prophetic intercession by Ros Powell HERE

If you have the gift of prophetic intercession, would you be willing to join our intercessors group, Friends of ADoRE? More information HERE



The Alton Day of Renewal is called to be a place where the heart of the gospel message is proclaimed in all its fullness and power, where the depth of the Father's love is revealed, where those who come burdened and oppressed find in Christ God's healing and forgiveness, where those who come in weariness and frustration receive refreshment and strength, where those who need to be challenged to use their gifts and talents in the service of God's Kingdom are penetrated and moved by his word, where those who come in darkness and confusion find the light and simplicity of Christ's presence, and where those who come to praise and worship God are led by his Spirit to pour out their love for him.

Read other early prophecies given to Alton Day of Renewal HERE

A Testimony of Prophecy

This video was recorded at the December 2023 ADoRE Testimony Zoom. Judith Aylmer, who has been involved with ADoRe since the 1980s and been a Core Group member for many years, explains her own experience of Prophecy and gives helpful guidelines.

"Really encouraging - thank you for sharing this practical and accessible talk on the gift of prophecy." - Russ Fairman