Baptism in the Spirit


Pope Francis has expressed his desire that the whole Church should come to experience the baptism in the Holy Spirit. At the Pentecost 2019 inauguration of CHARIS he said:"What does the Pope and the Church expect from this new service, from CHARIS and from the entire Charismatic Renewal? I would ask you to share baptism in the Holy Spirit with everyone in the Church...." (For information about CHARIS, go to "Renewal" tab).

The Baptism in the Holy Spirit is an action of God, invited by an individual through prayer, which brings about a deeper conversion to Christ, and which gives the Holy Spirit permission to work in that individual’s life in a more powerful way.

It's not a sacrament, but it re-ignites the graces already given to Christians through the Sacraments. And it’s also a new, fresh experience of the Holy Spirit which equips and inspires the individual for service, for mission, for discipleship and for life. Read more about it  HERE

Charles Whitehead, (Founder of Celebrate Conferences and former Chair of International Catholic Charismatic Renewal Service) speaks on video about Baptism in the Holy Spirit HERE and writes about it in an article HERE

Michelle Moran (Founder of Sion Community and former Chair of International Catholic Charismatic Renewal Service) speaks about Baptism in the Holy Spirit HERE

Cardinal Raniero Cantalamessa, preacher to the Papal household explains that "Catholic theology recognizes the concept of a valid but tied sacrament. A sacrament is called tied if the fruit that should accompany it remains bound because of certain blocks that prevent its effectiveness." He goes on to say that sacraments are not magical rituals that act mechanically, without the person’s knowledge or response. The individual's personal response and faith is needed in order for the grace and power of the sacraments to flow into their life. Read more about the theology HERE

Baptism of Fire. The video below contains moving testimonies of Catholics who have experienced Baptism in the Spirit, plus a very clear explanation from a Franciscan priest.

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This is a suggested form of words, but the most important thing is that you should pray from your heart, speaking to God of your own situation.

I renew my baptismal anointing
in the name of the Father and the Son
and the Holy Spirit.
I profess you Jesus as my Saviour and Lord,
Crucified and risen from the dead.

I accept your salvation and strength
to sever all bondage with the past;
to free me from slavery to sin;
to overcome the opposition of the devil;
to enable me to live as a child of God,
perfectly loved by the Father.

I open my heart for you to work
more fully in me and through me;
I desire to fulfil your call on my life.

I offer you my whole self, to allow
your Holy Spirit to renew within me
all the gifts and graces given
at Baptism and Confirmation:
Wisdom and understanding;
counsel and fortitude;
Knowledge, piety and fear of the Lord.

And I ask you to fan into a flame
the manifestation charisms of service:
Wisdom, knowledge, faith;
Healings, miracles, prophecy;
Discernment, tongues
and interpretation of tongues.

I desire all your gifts and graces,
Wrapped in the greatest gift of all – love.

Come, Holy Spirit!

Come, Lord Jesus!

Run a Life in the Spirit course in your own Parish

1. "Alive in the Spirit" is a series of talks given at ADoRE in 2021. You can watch the videos and download the session notes and prayers HERE

2. "The Gift" is an inspiring and practical series aimed at people of all ages to help them encounter the Holy Spirit and empower them to share their faith. Presented by well-known international speakers; David Payne, Michelle Moran, Charles Whitehead and Jenny Baker. The six sessions cover: The Father's Loving Plan; The Joy of the Gospel; The Gift of the Spirit; Unwrapping God's Gift; Encountering God's Spirit; Living in the Spirit

You can download the 30-minute videos to watch on your own, or run sessions in your Parish on zoom, for example, with discussion and prayer following the talks.

More information and a short video interview with Fr Simon Penhalagan on "Why run The Gift in your Parish" HERE

"I would ask you to share Baptism in the Holy Spirit with everyone in
the Church...."

- Pope Francis

Photo: Mazur/


Q. If I have been Baptised and Confirmed, why do I need “Baptism in the Spirit”? Surely I have received the Holy Spirit already?

Q. Is Baptism in the Spirit a one-off experience? Can I ask for it again?

Q. Do gifts happen automatically when we ask for them?

For answers to these questions, click HERE

How to receive Baptism in the Holy Spirit

Ideally, take part in a "Life in the Spirit" seminar, perhaps in your Parish (See bottom of this page). If this is not possible, watch "Alive in the Spirit" (see HERE) or "The Gift" videos (See below) and/or do the following:

  • Say sorry to God for your sins and ask forgiveness, renouncing any involvement with the occult or any practice that denies Jesus is God.
  • Invite Jesus to be Lord of your life, the forgiver of your sins and your saviour from evil;
  • Ask Jesus to baptise you with His Holy Spirit (pray the prayer below, from your heart).
  • Commit your life to Jesus every day in prayer.

You can also phone our prayer line HERE and ask them to pray with you to be baptised in the Spirit.